Shelter Consultation RequestPlease consider making a $25 donation to our rescue for our time. Fields marked with an * are required Name * First Name Last Name Email Phone * Address * City * US States California Other State Zip * What size dog are you looking for and do you have a breed mix preference? What type of dog are you looking for? Couch Potato Medium Energy Very Active What age dog are you interested in? Young Adult Senior How many adults (over 18) in your home? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Do you have young children living with you? If yes, are they used to dogs? Do you live in a: * House Apartment Condo Do you own or rent your home? Own Rent If you rent, have you checked with your landlord if there is size or breed restrictions? * Yes No Do you have a Yard or a Pool? Yard Pool If fence, what type and height? If pool, is it fenced in? * Yes No How many hours a day would your dog be left alone? * Where would the dog be left alone? * What is your experience with dogs? * This is my first dog. I grew up with dogs, but this will be my first as an adult. I've had dogs in the past. I currently have dogs. If you currently have other pets, please describe them below * Are you other pets spayed and/or neutered? Yes No If No, describe why the pet is not altered Are your current pets licensed with the city you live in? Will you be interested in taking obedience classes with your dog? * Yes No Have you ever had a pet that had MEDICAL or BEHAVIORAL issues? Yes No If so, WHAT and HOW did you resolve them? Have you ever had to take a dog to the shelter or give it away? * Yes No If so, why? Is there anything else you’d like to share with us? Thank you!