Free Training Manuals

Whether you already have the dog or are considering adopting one, we offer a lot of FREE INFORMATION to help you with your dog. Here are some links to our free training manuals.

  • New Dog Help

    Did you just adopt, or are planning to adopt a new dog? Here you'll find a wealth of information that will be invaluable to you and your new dog.

  • Common Mistakes to Avoid with a New Dog

    Most mistakes happen in the first few weeks of having the dog. Don’t make these common mistakes.

  • Behavior Q&A

    Some basic issues that people have with their dogs are addressed here.

  • Crate Training

    There are many benefits to crate-training your dog. If you are not sure why or how, here we give a step-by-step guide.

  • House Training

    We all know that puppies need house-breaking, but it is very common for adult dogs entering a new home to need a refresher course. Whether you adopted a puppy or older dog, here is a guide to ensuring your house remains a pee-free zone.

  • Introducing Dogs To Each Other

    This handout describes how to manage dog-to-dog meetings when introducing two dogs.

  • Dogs and Cats

    Here are our tips for a household that includes dogs and cats.

  • Dogs & Kids

    If your home includes both dogs and kids, you don't want either to get hurt. Read this handout to set your family up for harmony & success.

  • Muzzle Training

    Muzzles are a great tool for many situations. Find out how to use a muzzle with your dog here.

  • Separation Anxiety

    This supplement to Crate Training explains how you can help your dog overcome their separation anxiety, mild or severe.

  • Fostering Info

    Considering fostering a dog? Read this handout on what to expect and how it all works.

  • 10 Tips for Fosters

    Are you fostering a dog? Here are our top 10 tips for how to get dogs adopted successfully.

  • Socializing Dogs

    This handout explains how to best approach socializing your dog, so that dogs hanging out with other dogs is fun and safe.

  • Shy Dogs

    We all like to help shy dogs, but don't always know how. This handout explains what best to do, or what to consider before adopting a shy dog.

  • Pitbulls / Bully Breeds In Short

    There are a lot of misunderstandings about the so-called "bully breeds'; Pitbull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers. This handout provides a brief overview, and links to more info.